A Publication of the Department of Economics
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.


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Title: Sustainable Development and Soil Degredation: The Nigerian Experience
Author(s): EKINE D. I.1 & ABU Aminu
Abstract: The study examined the effect of sustainable development on the environment in Nigeria with emphasis on soil degredation from 1981-2020. The core objective of the study was to evaluate the empirical influence of sustainable development on soil degredation in Nigeria, which centered on the examination of the effect of each of GDP per capita, national poverty index, rural-urban drift and urban rate on soil degradation using Auto-regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) technique with bound test approach to co-integration and Granger causality test from 1981-2020 precisely. The time series data showed stationariety and long run relationship between the variables. Findings in the study showed that the effect of sustainable development on soil degradation was significantly positive at 5% level with Fstat (0.00007) indicating that the overall model was significant at 5% level and R2(0.5286) implies that 53% of the variations of soil degradation was explained by sustainable development. The CointEq (0.586) coefficient was negative indicating convergence and demonstrates that the short run dynamics to long run equilibrium at the speed of 59% annually. The implication of this finding is that sustainable development helps to mitigate environmental shocks by fostering both short and long term development, significant in driving per capita GDP and reducing poverty, as well as play important role in improving the overall environment of Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that policy makers should ensure proper application of sustainable development regulations on environmental activities such as soil preservation that would lead to sustained long-term soil preservation, among others.
Keywords: Sustainability? Development? Effect? Soil Degredation? Nigeria
Journal: Economic and Social Science Review (ESR)

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